More of the same
Yet another beautiful day in Biloxi. Fixed breakfast for 5 new people that just came in from New Jersey (french toast and bacon - thanks to our trusty Coleman camp stoves)
We returned to the home that we started gutting yesterday but first made a trip to Home Depot to buy two stepladders and a wheelbarrow that we will be donating to the camp when we leave.
There is not much new to say about the work today. It is hot, dusty, and tiring. We take frequent breaks to get a breath of fresh air and some water. Fortunately there is not much mold in this house since Ms. Watts had already cleaned it out and sprayed it with bleach.
Lunch at Compassion Center (hot dogs with chili, corn and apples). Always good to get out of the sun and sit down and eat a meal that someone else has prepared.
After lunch Ms. Watts came by to see the progress and we think she was impressed with how much we had gotten done. She definitely seemed pleased.

We finished about 4:30. Please don't tell our wives that we can work this hard!

Here are the piles of debris that we removed from the house. All the streets in our area look like this. Huge piles of debris waiting at the curb for pickup.

Had a nice dinner at Westminister Presbyterian Church. There are 150 young people from University of Tennessee who just came in tonight and will be staying at that church.
Don't know yet what our assignment for tomorrow will be. We may go back and put a blue tarp on Ms. Watt's roof and cut some limbs that are resting on the roof.
Hard to believe our time is up tomorrow. There is so much work to be done and so many people who need help. Please pray for them as they work to put their lives back together one day at a time.
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