Tuesday In MIssissippi

Today was our first full day working in the field. Our assignment was working with a young family getting there newly purchased home back in order. Imagine buying this home after the hurricane with an eighteen month old baby.
The Ladnier family, Will, Kerry, and Juliana are looking forward to moving into their home. They have several generations of family on the gulf coast and plan to stay. The gulf coast is HOME and they are here to stay!

Our jobs included finishing the roof and replacing the flooring in part of the home. This home is well above ground but still had over three feet of water in it on the living level.
The water line reached to the door knob in the picture below. The water remained at this level for several hours before receding. Note the river in the background.
Another crew gutted the home prior to our visit. David and Phil worked on the roof and Paul and I (Gene) worked inside. Following a full day the back side of the home's roof was completed and the flooring inside was making progress.
After a long day at the Ladnier home our team was famished. We dined at the local buffet diner Barnhills. Back to camp and lights out. The Lord has blessed us today helping this wonderful young family starting a home that survived a disaster. Please pray for this family and many others that need so much!
Good Night!
Gene, Phil, David, and Paul
Test Message!
We are reading of your trip; please continue your blog.
God bless you all for the Spirit moves through you.
John Sorensen and family
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