First Presbyterian Short Term Mission Blog
We are members of First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA who are on short term mission teams. We have primarily worked with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to help people who have been severely affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We also work in Monterrey, Mexico to pour slabs for houses that are built by the Senior High Youth in June of each year.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Reflection of the Week in New Orleans

After having coffee and beignets at Cafe DeMonde, we fueled the tanks and headed home. It was a worthwhile week of great fellowship and labor. Each of us are so very thankful for being able to give, and of what we have. Cliff Nunn knows many people with needs, spread the word and encourage others to participate with a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance team.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Thursday, July 6th

Awesome day!! Most of us returned to Bea's house, and we finished installing the sheetrock!. Some sanding and mudding still needs to be done, but her walls are complete. She is jubilant, and as we walked thru her house with her at the end of the day Bea whirled around and shouted 'Halleluah!' She now has a huge smile, and is filled with hope. Bea's worry level has been lifted somewhat, she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. On our way home from Bea's we saw a rainbow - God's blessing to us.
The others stayed at Cliff's church and cleaned, built shelves in the storage building and did some yard work. Cliff and Neita are so appreciative that groups are coming into their community to help. Others in this church are appreciative as well. So much so, that a cajun dinner was prepared for us tonight. Absolutely delicious!! Quite a gathering.
At reflection tonight we all shared something we learned: how to do corner taping, using a drill, being patient with others, and that we really like our day jobs.
This trip has been another step in each our lives as we grow in faith with God, doing his will.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
July 5th
Big day today. Debbie's devotion started us out with 1 Corinthians 15: 50-58; "...because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." We all went to Bea's house to hang sheetrock. After lunch a few people went back to Gentilly Presbyterian Ch. to finish painting, and the rest of us continued to hang sheetrock. Bea is a widow, and her whole house has had to have sheetrock replaced on the bottom half. As reflected tonight, this has been a task that most of us knew nothing about before now. We have stepped out of our boat for Jesus. Yard work was done as well (before the rain came). The Lord has blessed us with an over cast sky and tolerable temperatures.
Dinner tonight at the New Orleans Burger and Seafood restaurant was delicious!! We all will rest well tonight.
July 4th

Started the day with a devotion about "America Resolution, Louisiana Rebirth, & Individual's Restore with the help of the Holy Spirit." We split shift into two teams again, part at Gentilly Pres. Church and Bea's house. The team at Bea's house continued to hang sheetrock, while the team at the church finished up some tasks that the minister had on her list to get her church ready for
a special healing service which will take place in early August. We finished working at noon today so that Cliff could take our group on a tour of the Katrina damaged areas.
After the tour, Cliff and his wife Neita, joined us for hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill, corn on the cob, and watermelon. Cliff took the group to the riverpark to watch the 4th of July fireworks. We feel so blessed to be here and to live in this country that allows us so many freedoms.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Monday July 3rd

Doug Allen started our work day out with a devotion from Psalms. We then went to Gentilly Presbyterian Church where Pastor Shirley Frazier had a list of things for us to do. Mid morning part of the group went to Bea's house to continue the work from last week's group on the sheetrock. Sh
Shrimp Poboys were provided by George from Gentilly Pres for lunch and then it was back to work! Pastor Shirley's congregation has dwindle down to about 20 elderly people. They started worshiping together in Nov. Shirley had to multi-task as the minister and pianist. In May they have moved back into the sanctuary and now have a permanent organist. Neighborhood task force meetings will begin this fall meeting at her church as well. Since most families with children have left the congregation, she only has one elementary age child for her children's service.
Bea assisted with the mudding and taping of the drywall. Tomorrow hopefully we will finish this part and be ready to paint on Wed.
Beth raps up us today with a reflection using a verse from Genesis, no small task goes unnoticed. We will rest well tonight!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
First Presbyterian Short Term Mission Blog: New Orleans Mission Trip June 2006
First Presbyterian Short Term Mission Blog: New Orleans Mission Trip July 2006
Arrived safely. The drive across Lake Pontchartrain was during a rain storm, kind of freaky when some of the guard rail is already missing. Amazing that nearly one year later, some places don't have any reconstruction going on at all. We had a wonderful dinner at Picadilly's, then met Cliff at the church. Beds are made, plans for tomorrow being discussed, and what's for lunch & dinner to think about. The Big Easy likes to eat!