God's Great Surprises (Monday)

It's never been my nature to be excited about work. Spa days? Absolutely! Ladies Night Out? Uh-huh. Movie Night with my family in my pjs? I am ALL ABOUT IT. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't get all that excited about work.
Our God knows this about me. The beautiful thing is that HE changes my ho-hum-it-sounded-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time attitude as soon as we arrive! Suddenly, as we round the corner of camp, dipping into another pot hole and spot the crew that's been expecting us, my spirit is lifted. And no matter how many times I've done this "mission thing," I am still surprised by the way that the Holy Spirit prepares my heart.
Last night, I was tucking two of our little ones into bed. As usual, I helped them with their nighttime routines - including nighttime prayers. As an afterthought, I offered to pray with two others who eagerly accepted the invitation to praise God for our first day. Quietly. Just the two of us. As I closed their bedroom door, one of those precious children jumped out of bed, hugged my neck, wept tears of appreciation and said: "no one's ever prayed with us before." And I am surprised by the Holy Spirit. Again.
I have discovered that this is the beauty of mission work, for me. In a world that is so
predictable... work, soccer, homework, work, laundry, pets, mail, work, cutting grass, work... there are few surprises anymore.

But not this week. Not at Cherokee Retreat Center. Not with snow on the way. Or the amazing Joe Garrett, roofer, who's here to help. The expert carpenter father/son - Max and Jeff Vanderlip - team who have decided to take on every transition/threshold issue in the lodge! Or three teenagers (Jessica Gamble, Gino Arocena, Andrew from Heritage) who are learning how to lay ceramic tile, as I write. Or the fantastic team of Lily-Kate and Kelly - 10 and 13 year olds - who have literally scrubbed every piece of trim in Parker until it looks like it's all been freshly painted! Or even six year old James MacPherson who surprises me constantly with his passion (and precision) for paint. Or Richard "Rooster" Hunter who is now on his eighth hour of pressure washing even as the temperature drops steadily.
We are out here with our palm branches, FPC. We hope you will join us this week. You won't want to miss (I know I don't) what awesome surprises God has in store for tomorrow!
We are out here with our palm branches, FPC. We hope you will join us this week. You won't want to miss (I know I don't) what awesome surprises God has in store for tomorrow!
Posted by Becky Jordan
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