Today was a great day despite the growing exhustion of our group. Tonight our eyes got a little bigger than our hands, so to speak, and we took on a few more projects than were originally schedued.
Isn't that so human? Instead of pausing, instead of taking a step back to reflect, we saw ourselves as running ahead of schedule and decided: hey! we can tear out (not one, but) two bathrooms, tile them, drywall them, purchase and put together new cabinetry, install sinks AND add trim in - oh, little less than 1/2 day! (What were we thinking?!)
When it was time to stop for dinner, I confess: I did not want to disuade any of our workers. I mean, after all, our "train" has hit full stride. There's no reason to stop? Do you know how long it might take us to get going again?
But then I entered the dining room and saw the banquet set before us.

Carol McBride had taken some of her afternoon to prepare a Seder Meal. For 25 people. Complete with all the necessary dishes, responsive readings, "wine," etc. Suddenly, I realized it was Maundy Thursday - an evening that our Lord spent with his friends.
For the next hour, I watched while the children poured "wine" for one another, while they helped wash each others' hands (instead of feet), while we all tried "bitter herbs" and horseradish, while we chuckled at the silly side comments, while we passed around our special colored eggs. Did it matter that the trim wasn't getting painted?
Aren't we humans funny. We get so busy DOING that we fail to PAUSE. I know I am guilty of this sin on a weekly basis.
Thanks to Carol, we paused for a few hours tonight.
we got back to work...
and some of us
never went to bed.
Posted by Becky Jordan
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