It All Comes Down to Jesus
I have to add one more post today.
After the kids' swim in the lake, we made our way to the Large Field for a campfire. While most of us (all but three to be exact) sat about the fire, singing to Dave Griffith and Andy (Site Guy Wonderful)'s guitars, Richard, Trevor and Debbie remained behind. They were determined to finish the Great Room flooring.
Long after dark, the fire was doused and the kids were rounded up for bed.
Tom Rocca, Rachel Hunter and I wandered back to Parker Lodge to check on our crew. We found them all ... in the corner.
Over the past two hours, this team had completed 99% of the remaining floor. What remained was one small board - which would have to be cut on two different angles - and laid to fit the two side trim pieces. It would not
I came upon them sitting in the corner in deep discussion about how to best approach the final piece. I glanced at my watch. It was well past 10pm and they, with their teammates, had been at this project since 8am. I could not fathom their exhaustion.
Suddenly, they heard my arrival and smiled broadly at some secret humor they had obviously all shared. "Look," Trevor said as he pointed to a painting over his head that I had not noticed before. He spread his arms in a sweeping gesture across the finished floor and then brought them back to the painting - hung over the final six inches of nasty carpet to be covered. "It all comes down to Jesus."
Debbie and Richard laughed at the irony of this project which had stumped them all for the better part of two days. I could tell they were punchy and finding almost anything hilarious and yet, it was absolutely true. Tom cracked up, I cracked up, Rachel cracked up.
It. All. Comes. Down. to. Jesus.
Becky Jordan
Blogging for CRCSBFPCMT(Cherokee Retreat Center Spring Break First Presbyterian Church Mission Trip).
Blogging for CRCSBFPCMT(Cherokee Retreat Center Spring Break First Presbyterian Church Mission Trip).
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