
Things did not start well at the "fence" sight. The early morning hours revealed that adjustments to the fence foundation were required. In about ten minutes, that crew destroyed the work they had done in the previous three days. Everything fell to the wayside and with little more than 12 hours of daylight they were beginning again. You can imagine what that crew must have been feeling. Barry Christensen, Mark Humphrey, Nate Shelton, Alex Christensen, David Johnson, Drew Anderson and Alex Ball had devoted their entire mission trip to the building of a fence. And on our last day, it looked as though their efforts would be for naught.

At some point during the day, both teams decided to forgo our afternoon and evening activities. Our goal: to complete all project lists... even those newly generated just that morning. Neither

It was, my friends, an enormously huge group effort.
Dusk brought the arrival of an exuberant fence crew who had victoriously overcome their many obstacles. Within 15 hours they had re-installed every post, every side rail and every slat! We celebrated their arrival with 14 pizzas, more cases of drinks, cold veggies and an old-fashioned-but-all-together-new-sort-of-church ice cream social. Night fell on us. We sent several "home" to church for showers while a small crew stayed behind to hammer in the 13th window. With the window install trio of Rose (aka "Tiffany"), Trevor (aka "Frank") and Jan (aka "Lisa") standing by, Susan Christensen nailed the final piece of siding under the final window by flashlight.
There was tremendous union in our prayer circle as we took Lina, Roy, Roydie, Brian and Santi in our arms to ask God's blessing on this family and to thank Him for his providence in every aspect of their recovery.
So... as our littlest volunteers fell asleep upon the church pews... as we listened to an inspiring evening devotional... I was reminded of the words we had all heard just that morning. That our sacrifices for our God come in all forms and have to be renewed moment by moment. The dedication of our crews as they exemplified the meaning of commitment was inspirational. The message that I think I will take with me tomorrow when we leave? That we have nothing to give that is any more worthy than a daily commitment of our lives. No matter where we are or what we're doing.
What an awesome day!

Thank you for your prayers during this week. Thank you for standing with us. Thank you for allowing us to have this opportunity. Thank you for your commitment to God and for the example that you are to all of us.
Please stay tuned for a future video production, a slideshow and lots of smiles and stories as we rejoin you this weekend in celebration of our Savior's resurrection. I can think of no greater way to express your appreciation of His sacrifice than to consider serving Him and the Katrina Mission recovery effort.
Details for our next great adventure to come.
Becky Jordan
(FPC Marietta Spring Break New Orleans Mission Trip)
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