
Our self proclaimed Lunch Wagon members (Allison Humphrey, Abby Christensen, Lily-Kate, Isabelle and I) discover how many sandwiches it takes to feed lunch to 40 people.
Beth Williams and Susan Merrick discover how quickly a garden (and maybe even sometimes our hearts) can be overcome by weeds and thorns.
Our construction team number 1 (ably led by Debbie Peterson, muscled around by Nate Shelton, Alex Ball, Trevor & Joe Jordan, Jan & Audrey Coots, Drew Anderson, David Johnson, Jeremy Jackson & Rose) discovered how how many gallons of paint it takes to prime the outside of a house.

They also discover how to catch a cat nap.
Barry Christensen and Dan Valentine discover the joys of New Orleans traffic and the absolutelymostridiculous excuse for a street grid.
We spend a lot of time on Day 1 discovering what our roles will be during this trip, who we will be helping and what needs to be changed for Day 2. We discover that we can rise at dawn to shower outside. And we discover how much we need each other as cell phones jingle constantly with requests for more water, more ice, power post hole diggers and even a helium, heart shaped balloon.

Debbie did our reflection tonight and she asked us to consider what "treasures" we had discovered during our day. Katie Stegall seems to have discovered a knack for smashing concrete. Sarah H. says she's discovered that she rather likes all of us Presbyterians, even though she's Baptist. Melanie Valentine discovered that the obedience of four little girls in a garden can be just as inspiring as painting over water stain marks on old, warped doors. Isabelle Jordan discovered that when she shares a scary story of getting separated from the group that she is braver than her nine years would warrant.
In the end, none of it is really new. These traits, these discoveries, have been there all along... planted, watered, fed by our God who has simply waiting for us... to discover.
Becky Jordan
Blogging the FPCMTTANOSBM, 2007
Thanks for the updates an especially for your teams work. Work safe as Alex and Beth can well tell you. God bless you all.
John Sorensen
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