It's All Good (Friday)
We woke this morning to more impending rain.
And our smallest crew of the week
After my desperate email to the "outside world," I wondered whether there might be a bus of folks arriving to help. I hurriedly dressed, brushed my teeth and stepped lightly to the Lodge worrying not about how the list would get accomplished (I was so sure the Calvary was on it's way), but more about how to open the morning devotional.
I thought about the fact that it was Good Friday and what that meant to us, as Christians. That Jesus died on the cross; that he died to who He was - as a human - in order to save those He loved - us. I thought about what it meant to die to who WE are. And posed that question to the group.
"How did YOU die to who YOU are and/or what YOU wanted this week? How did YOU die to serve someone else?"
Anna said: "I really wanted to go somewhere fun for Spring Break. But I came here instead."
Joe said: "I really, really didn't want to move the picnic tables at 10:00pm last night. But we did it together."
Carol said: "I really wanted to be a the lake yesterday afternoon during our free time. I've never seen the lake from here. But I needed to prepare our Seder meal. And I didn't have time."
Trevor said: "I HATE painting. And I painted for three straight days."
Jessica said: "At one point, I really wanted to THROW AWAY ALL the ceramic tile. But I knew that we needed to get that project done. I died to the ceramic tile."
I was so proud that they got it. That nearly everyone mentioned how they had chosen to die to their own desire(s) in order to accommodate the greater good.
Then, as if on cue, Mickey Gamble showed up. "Here they are," I thought, "The Calvary!" And not one other person arrived. Mickey Gamble, "I don't even know if he's a member of our church," was the only one who came.
Suddenly, I had to die - right there - to all my expectations. Man, that is so hard for me. Because I have pretty high expectations. And letting them go is my absolute most difficult growth area. Here was our LORD stretching ME right where I needed it.
My friends, by 1:00PM (two hours ahead of schedule), we were DONE! I could not believe it. This tiny, exhausted team was sitting down to lunch and the ONLY thing we had left to do was load the trailer with our supplies. I tell you: I wept.
I could not stop the tears from stinging my eyes. I told them all how worried I had been about our abilities... but that clearly, God knew (even though I had insisted otherwise) that all we needed... was Mickey Gamble. A Calvary of One. Our encouragement for the day.
God knew that we had already been covered in prayer by our faithful family and friends at home. We had been covered in blessings by those who's faithful work had put us into much better position than I originally realized. And today - on Good Friday - we were covered by the blood of the Lamb, by HIS energy, by HIS strength, by HIS abilities according to HIS expectations.
It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was done. Over 60 projects, 250 man hours plus, a year's worth of work completed in five days.
I laughed as I climbed into our car, ready to head home. It's all good, I thought.
It's ALL Good Friday.
Posted by Becky Jordan
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