Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Day Two and Three In Mississippi

It is now Wednesday evening and we are finishing dinner with our new friends from Spokane Washington. Until today we had the whole site to ourselves. A group of fourteen arrived for the next seven days. The amount of volunteers has been slim late this summer. I guess word got out about hot humid days on the coast.

There is obvious signs of progress but the area still has a long way to go. I took a side trip to New Orleans as it is my birthplace. Very sad to see less progress there versus Mississippi. I found my grandmother's home and discovered that it is about to be demolished. So many homes are abandoned and will be gone very soon. I went by Peace Presbyterian Church. Very sad to see no life there. That whole area of New Orleans looks like a ghost town.

Our small group has been working on Betty Smith's home finishing it up so she can move out of her FEMA trailer. Believe me she is ready. Ceilings were completed, closets were built, leaky sinks fixed, walls re-inforced, and a kitchen exhaust fan was wired and installed.

We have also made some new friends at Lowes. We have visited there many times getting supplies.

Some of us return back to Atlanta tomorrow, Richard Terrell, my father-in-law, and I will return. We all have learned some new skills that we prefer to leave on the gulf coast. Mark Rittenhour, David Mahan, and Paul Cobb will return Friday.

Please continue to pray for this area. The Lord is doing great work here as the spirit is great in Mississippi.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mississippi Re-Visit

We arrived safely in Mississippi.

Long days and short nights! I will update our progress with pictures and an update Wednesday pm.

Gene and the guys.