Wrapping up
These beautiful days are getting monotonous (just kidding). More pancakes and bacon for breakfast and back to Ms. Mann's house to work on the roof.
While we were gutting the house we had noticed one hole in the roof where a furnance vent had been, so we decided it needed to be patched. David is quite the craftsman.

When we arrived at the house and actually got up on the roof we discovered that the roof on the addition at the back of the house was missing almost all of the shingles. Since it may be a while before her house gets worked on, we went back to Lowe's and got a tarp to cover the entire roof on the addition.

As usual, things like this take longer than expected, so by the time we finished it was lunchtime. One final time at Compassion Center for some more chicken and green beans and potatoes.

We noticed that a new tent had been erected since yesterday and that a clothing boutique ( that is what the sign said ) had been set up for the residents. There were a good number of people in the store or waiting outside.

Since we had finished our house and didn't have time to start another one, we decided to ride over to Waveland, MS. The destruction there is beyond what pictures can convey. These homes were right across the road from the gulf and took the full force of the storm. There is not much wooden debris on these sites. It was apparently taken further inland by the storm.

In the midst of all this destruction, we found a sign that amused us (being the old guys that we are!).

Our final place to vist in Waveland was Christ Episcopal Church.

Like the homes, it was just across the road from the gulf. Only the steeple remains. It was not on a building, but was anchored in the concrete. In the background you can see the tent where they hold Sunday services.
I believe that this picture says it all. It has been our privilege to come in service to the people of the gulf coast. Our prayer is that we have helped them to see (and to remind ourselves) that our hope is in Christ and Christ alone.

We are anxious to return to our families and to share the story of this trip with all of you. See ya'll on Sunday.
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